Friday 6 April 2012


Sanskrit Name: Vacha
Latin Name: Acorus calamus Linn.

References: Atharva Parishista(1/44/10& 5/1/5) quoted it as a herb which enhances the memory and speech. Sama vidhana confirms its identity while Darryll considered it as Vasa. But JLN Sastry is of the opinion that it is nothing but Vaca of ayurvedic texts.
Charaka Samhitha- Sutra sthana-2/8;3/4,17,19; 4/3,11,12,25,42,48; 23/14
Vimana sthana-8/ 150,158;
Sarira sthana- 8/59,65,76,93;
Chikitsa sthana- 1-1/24,47,56,75; 1-3/2,23,45; 1-4/5,13;
3/204,249,266,306; 5/69,79,86,143; 6/37;
7/67,99,102,112; 8/74; 9/51,70,75; 10/23,25,32,40,62
 13/80,103,108,123,125,133,157,162; 14/42,64,131
 15/98,100,102,174,182,189; 17/142
18/35,52,11,160; 19/23,25,30,48,111,125,127
22/46; 23/69,79,182,211,244; 26/19,20,60,84,96,137,151,152,208,22,225,283; 27/29,32,35,40; 28/152,159,166;
29/148,151; 30/53,249,270,274;
Kalpa Sthana: 1/16; 7/15,52,56
Siddhi sthana: 3/13,38,42,60,65; 4/9,12,19;7/17,23;8/18; 9/13; 11/22;12/31

Synonyms: ugragandha, ugra, shadgrantha
Rasa: Katu, Tikta
Guna: Laghu, Tikshna
Virya: Usna
Vipaka: Katu
Karma: Kapha-vatahara,Lekhaniya,Medhya
Indications: unmaada, Apasmara, jvara
Part used: Rhizome

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