Thursday 5 April 2012

Jeevaka - malaxis

Sanskrit Name : Jeevaka
Latin Name : Malaxis acuminata
Photo by Dr.Binu Balachandran
According to Bhavamisra
Origin : in Himalayas.
Corm of the plant resembles with that of Rasona(Allium sativum), which is empty inside.
Leaves are minute and the plant resembles a cone in size.

Synonyms : Hrsvaanga, Kurcashirshaka, Madhura, Sringii
Rasa(taste): Madhura(sweet)
Virya(potency): Sita(cold)
Vipaka(post digestion effect): Madhura(sweet)
Effect on Tridosa: Aggravates Kapha
Action: Spermopiotic and tonic
Therapeutics: Phthisis, seminal debility, burning sensation, general, debility, disease caused by the vitiation of Vata and Blood .

Controversy: Rshabhaka(Malaxis muscifera)

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