Monday 30 July 2012


Department of AYUSH (Government of India) sent Minimum Standard Draft for Ayurveda colleges on 15th June 2012 for issuing Gazette Notification, but in this Minimum Standard, regarding less numbers of teachers, reducing of bed strength and extension of teachers age (70 yrs) is hampering quality education, clinical and practical training material and unemployment of young generation so at that time President in interest of Science, young generation teachers and quality education did not issue same draft sent by Government and President referred the matter to Executive Committee Meeting on 19th June 2012. Executive Committee decided this matter should be sent for detail discussion in Ayurveda Committee as per Section 22 of IMCC Act 1970 this matter is discussed and finalised by Ayurveda Committee and General Body.

After the Election of President (05.07.2012), newly elected President Dr. V.P.Tyagi without discussion and approval of Ayurveda Committee and General Body and even without consent of State Governments and in avoidance and noncompliance of Section 22 of IMCC Act sent notification to publish in Gazettee.

CCIM has issued the notification in which upto 60 students intake capacity colleges will require 30 teachers and for 60-100 students intake capacity 43 teachers will be required due to which near about 3500 teachers will be unemployed and in near future passed out MD scholars appointment will be stopped . Presently lecturers are getting salary of near about Rs. 20-30-35000 per month but in coming situation within 2-3 months it will fall down to Rs. 8-10000 per month. 
In this notification teachers age limit has been extended upto 70 years; so new PG generation job opportunities in future will come to an end, retired teachers are huge in numbers who are available (only on paper) on less salary then why college management will appoint new generation post graduate teachers on high salary. 

Nearly about 235 Ayurveda colleges are running under intake capacity of 60 students . As per prescribed CCIM new regulation higher faculty professors will not be essential so any teacher in coming future will not be promoted as professor and they will retire on the post of Reader only. 

Previously Council had made Biometric machine mandatory to stop the malpractice of false and on paper teachers but with this notification Biometric machine has become desirable which will ruin the  efforts and once again the same practices will restart and badly affect the future of teachers, students and worsen the quality education. 

Without sufficient teaching, clinical and practical training how can Quality Education be achieved and without Quality Education how Standardization be obtained to flourish Ayurveda Globally with prestige and dignity. 

With this notification colleges which had closed in last three to four years will start mushrooming again, this diluted Minimum Standards will help colleges to get permission and then, these colleges will not be visited for next five years as per notified Minimum Standards. 
Awaken, inform and forward this message to your friends group in interest of Science, Quality Education, Teachers, Students, Practitioners and Society; also send your representations in this regard through e-mail/post/fax/sms/telephonic to the Secretary, Department of AYUSH (Government of India), Health Minister, President CCIM and all Members of CCIM to do the necessary ammendments or withdraw this notification at the earliest
Contact numbers and e-mail id of President CCIM and all Members of CCIM are available on ccim website

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