Friday 22 January 2016

Botanical Name: Anethum sowa Family: APIACEAE
Vernacular Names: Shatakuppa(M), Dill(E)
Synonyms: Chatra, Chatrapushpa, Misi, Karavi
Gana/Varga: Charaka- Asthapanopaga, Anuvasanopaga
Morphology: Glabrous perennial herb, 30-90cm high
  Leaves – bipinnate/tripinnate linear
  Flower – yellow coloured, compound umbel
  Fruit – 4×2mm, cremocarp
Distribution: often cultivated throughout the tropical and subtropical India
Chemical constituents: Fruit/seed oil – carvone, limonene, eugenol, β-sitosterol
Properties –
Rasa: Katu, Tikta Guna: Laghu, Tikshna Virya: Ushna Vipaka: Katu
Karma: Kaphavatasamaka
Samsthanika karma
Bahya: Vedanasthapana, Sothahara, Vranapachana
Annavaha: Deepana, Pachana Rochana, Anulomana, Krimighna
Raktavaha: Hrdayottejaka,Sothahara
Mutravaha: Mutrala
Swasanavaha: Kaphahara
Prajanana: Artavajanana, Stanyajanana
Indications: Shoola, Jwara, netraroga, Vrana, Gulma, Adhmana, Ajeerna
Amayika Prayoga:
Sushkarsa – non bleeding pile mass shall be fomented with a warm bolus of Vacha & Shatapushpa along with Snigdha Dravya.
Vatarakta – Oil prepared with the decoction of Shatapushpa, Kushta and Madhuka
Bees sting – Paste of Shatapushpa mixed with rocksalt and ghee should be applied
Part Used: Fruit/ seed, leaves, oil
Dosage: Choorna- 1-3gm, Oil 1-3drops, Arka- 20-40ml
Formulation: Shatapushpadi Lepa, Shatapushpadi Kashaya, Shatapushparka